COVID-19 Precautions In Our Offices

Posted on by Modern Hearing Solutions

1. Currently, we are rescheduling routine follow-ups as we watch the situation with the pandemic come under control in coming weeks.  Nevertheless, we are taking appointments for any needing help or would like to move forward with addressing their hearing needs – please call first and we will arrange a time that ensures we give you exclusive attention.

2. For your safety, we are asking that if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, or have been in contact with others who are, that you postpone your appointment for a couple weeks to ensure the best outcome.

3. On entering the office, our staff will be wearing protective equipment (facemasks) and will quickly scan your temperature – we appreciate your patience with this temporary precaution.

4. Be assured that sanitizing of hands, equipment, and surfaces is going on extensively both before and after each patient visit.

Thank you for your patience during this time, and please call us with whatever need or request you may have.  We will ensure that you are taken care of. 

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