What You Should Do If Your Hearing Aid Stops Working

Posted on by Modern Hearing Solutions
What You Should Do If Your Hearing Aid Stops Working

After investing in a pair of hearing aids, the last thing you want is to have them stop working. But at one point or another, most hearing aid owners encounter a moment where they put in their hearing aids, and they don’t work.

Our hearing instrument specialist here at Modern Hearing Solutions of Wyoming has walked many individuals through fixing their hearing aids as well as repairing hearing aids in-office. To see if you can repair your hearing aids at home, here are some things you can do if your hearing aids have stopped working.

Ensure Your Hearing Aids Are On

It may sound funny, but when you are used to doing the same thing over and over, it can be easy to miss something as simple as turning your hearing aids on. Much like how people can “lose” their glasses—which are just pushed onto their head—putting in your hearing aids while they are off can often be the solution to fixing your hearing aids.

For most hearing aids, there is an obvious on-off rocker switch. If you have dexterity issues, a hearing aid remote can help you turn your hearing aids on and off.

Check The Volume On The Hearing Aids

Right after forgetting to turn on your hearing aids is the issue of simply having your hearing aid volume turned down too low. It is easy to forget that you turned your hearing aids down, particularly if you left them turned down before you put them away for the night. So, before you panic, give the volume on your hearing aids a look.

Also, if your hearing aids have an associated app, you may want to use it to control the volume on. Often, it is easier to reach the desired volume when you can use your phone to take control of your hearing aids.

Swap Out Your Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing aid batteries can have a short lifespan, especially with smaller hearing aids and if you wirelessly stream with your hearing aids. While most modern hearing aids will alert you when the battery power is getting low, you may have missed that warning, and they are now dead.

It is important that you get in the habit of changing out your hearing aid batteries before they are completely out of power. Otherwise, it can be taxing on your hearing aids and shorten the lifespan of your devices.

Clean Your Hearing Aids Openings And Connectors

Cleaning your hearing aids regularly is an important part of extending their lifespan. So, if your hearing aids suddenly stop working, you may want to consider your current cleaning routine.

To see if trapped debris is the issue with your hearing aids, wipe them down carefully, and clean out the various openings. You should also remove the batteries and clean the connectors, as corrosion and debris can easily become trapped and interfere with your hearing aids.

Look For Damage On Your Hearing Aids

As you clean your hearing aids, be sure you check for signs of damage, ranging from rust on the connectors to cracked tubing. Even with exceptional care, accidents, as well as wear and tear, can happen and leave you with damaged hearing aids that don’t work.

In most cases, when your hearing aids are damaged, you will need to bring them in for hearing aid repairs. Our hearing aid specialist can perform some repairs in-office, and if there is extensive damage, he can take care of sending your hearing aids to the manufacturer for repairs.

Use Earwax Softening Solution

An excess of earwax built up in the ear canal can block your hearing aids’ ability to transmit sound to your inner ear. However, you should never use an object to dig earwax out of your ears, as you can permanently damage your hearing.

Instead, our hearing instrument specialist can provide you with a safe earwax softening solution that you can use at home to remove the earwax safely. If the blockage is particularly stubborn, our hearing specialist can refer you to a medical professional who can remove the wax.

Bring Your Hearing Aids Into Hearing Aid Clinic In Cody, WY

Should you have tried the above troubleshooting tips and your hearing aids still don’t work, you can bring them into our hearing aid clinic in Cody, WY. We also have a clinic in Powell so that you can access our hearing aid services more easily.

No matter which of our two hearing aid clinics you visit, you can be sure of the highest quality hearing aid help. To set up your appointment, please contact us today.

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